Sunday, January 25, 2009

Whitney Museum

We went to the Whitney Museum today to see the Alexander Calder exhibit. We could not take photos inside the exhibit so I apologize for the reproductions. Anyway what led to this excursion was the book The Calder Game.

In our house, a new Blue Balliett book inspires a rousing chorus (or perhaps I should say a noisy duet), of “Oh goody!” We were one of many, many fans of Blue’s first book, Chasing Vermeer, and we was nearly as pleased by her second, The Wright III.

Petra and Calder are at it again, up to some serious, art-infused detective work, and this time, Calder’s buddy Tommy is along for the ride. It all starts when the kids go to an exhibition of Alexander Calder’s work at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago.